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Welcome to FAKE PRESIDENTS, a real podcast about, know. Each week we'll take a deep dive into a fictional American president from movies and TV to see just how much fiction there really is.

Oct 26, 2023

A special doll-centric Halloween episode!

Did you know that the latest season of CHUCKY, the TV series based on the CHILD'S PLAY horror movies, takes place in The White House? Did you know there was a CHUCKY, the TV series? Neither did we!

Ben watched it because Eric is a fraidy-cat and reports back with all the juicy political goodness in the first couple episodes. Is it enough to get Eric to get over his scary-movie-and-TV-fears and tune in?

Devon Sawa is the POTUS. Chucky is still a killer doll. And the first episode steals a title from a 90's Wesley Snipes murder-in-the-White-House-flick we still need to cover.

Also: We talk some BARBIE: THE MOVIE, featuring Issa Rae as a fake president!

Find us on Threads and Instagram @Fake_Presidents. Or email us at fakepresidents [at] to join the convo! (And suggest other stuff for us to cover!)