Oct 27, 2020
This week's fake president not only has a secret book, but also a secret name! Will Bruce Greenwood's nameless, devastatingly handsome president one day wind up on Mt. Rushmore high above the lost city of gold? Wait...there's a lost city of gold under Mt. Rushmore? And Nicolas Cage has to kidnap the POTUS to find it?...
Oct 22, 2020
We watched HBOMax's WEST WING Reunion Special, and we also take our first dive into listener mail, including a message from a former federal prosecutor who writes in with the exact charges he'd file against the characters in DAVE for installing a fake president.
Got a question? Email us at fakepresidents [at]...
Oct 19, 2020
Let's take a look at the fake president from a hit 2013 action movie that's basically "DIE HARD in the White House." No, not WHITE HOUSE DOWN. The other one.
Find us on Twitter: @Fake_Presidents
Oct 12, 2020
Is Gene Hackman's President in ABSOLUTE POWER the worst fake president ever committed to film? Maybe!
Is future fake president Dennis Haysbert the most psycho secret service agent ever allowed in the oval office? He's in the running!
Is Clint Eastwood way too into empty chairs? You betcha!
Oct 4, 2020
In this episode, Ben and Eric discuss what happens when a real Joker becomes President in Tim Burton's 1996 cult classic MARS ATTACKS.
Find us on Twitter: @Fake_Presidents